A Note from the Owner…
Welcome to L.O.V.E. Tutoring & Consulting! Here our belief is that by learning, observing, visualizing, and educating we can help each student and educator reach their full potential in spite of life’s daily situations, circumstances, and challenges.
My name is Daranique Love and I am the founder of L.O.V.E. Tutoring & Consulting. I have spent the last 7 years working with educators and students of different cultures and backgrounds. I have a passion for children and more than anything I value investing into OUR kiddos future. I also am skilled in motivating, inspiring, and entertaining educators. I share with educators practical, proven strategies they can take away and use effectively in their classrooms – immediately! I also help them feel self-value and to feel proud of the profession they have chosen because they definitely will make a difference in the lives of students.
I realize that to change and enhance the world around us it truly does take a village, and educational leadership, tutoring and training is the role that I have taken on.
L.O.V.E. Tutoring & Consulting
(Learning, Observing, Visualizing, and Educating)
~Our goal is to help each student and educator reach their full potential in spite of life's daily situations, circumstances, and challenges.~